
Woman with hands touching face
Woman's nose with rhinoplasty bristol


Rhinoplasty (also known as a ‘nose job’) is a transformative plastic surgery procedure, used to reshape the nose for both aesthetic and functional purposes:

    • It can help achieve a more balanced and refined facial profile

    • It can improve breathing through structural correction

    • It boosts self-confidence and enhances self-esteem

    Surgical rhinoplasty is a customisable procedure, tailored to your unique goals and needs. It is performed under general anaesthesia, using either an open or a closed approach. The choice of the technique will be discussed with you during the consultation.

    In closed rhinoplasty the scars are hidden inside the nostrils, while in open technique there will be a small inconspicuous scar across the columella (the thin bridge between the nostrils). Occasionally, we may use an ultrasound device to aid reshaping of the nasal bones. The surgeon will make precise adjustments to the bone, cartilage and ligaments inside the nose in order to achieve a natural and harmonious result that complements the balance of other facial features.

    The operation takes between 1.5 - 3hrs, and you will likely be required to stay a night in the hospital. After the procedure, you can expect about 1 - 2 weeks of downtime wearing a nose splint. Recovery time may vary, but most patients return to their regular activities within a few weeks. The true results of a rhinoplasty will become clear about 9 - 12 months after the surgery as the swelling settles.

  • Click here to watch a video where Mr Shaheel Chummun, leading rhinoplasty surgeon in Bristol, talks through everything you need to know about rhinoplasty.

  • “I would absolutely recommend Mr Chummun to those looking for a rhinoplasty/septoplasty or a revision. He is patient, kind, and ensures you feel comfortable and confident with the surgery. I am very happy with the results Mr Chummun achieved with my revision surgery.”

    - Verified Patient Review

  • Click here to enquire about rhinoplasty in Bristol, Bath or Gloucestershire.

Woman's face with facelift bristol


Rhytidectomy (commonly known as ‘facelift’) is an aesthetic procedure used to rejuvenate and enhance the beauty of the face:

    • It can reshape and tighten sagging skin to restore a youthful appearance

    • It improves visible signs of ageing around the face and neck and instils self-confidence

    • It gives longer lasting results compared to other facial procedures.

    There is no ‘appropriate age’ for a facelift, and there are several types of surgical techniques that can be tailored individually to you. Typically, the surgeon will make incisions near the hairline and around the ears to access the underlying facial muscles and tissues. They then reposition and tighten the muscle and tissue, remove excess skin, and reposition the tissues to create a more youthful appearance of the face and neck.

    A facelift typically takes around 3 to 5 hours to perform, and you will likely need to stay in the hospital overnight. The downtime following a facelift varies, but most patients are able to return to regular activities within 2 to 3 weeks.

    Initial improvements can be seen in the first few weeks, but the final results may take several months to fully show, as swelling subsides and the tissues settle.

    While a facelift cannot stop the natural ageing process, it can set back the clock, allowing you to enjoy a more youthful and refreshed appearance.

  • Click here to watch a video where Mr Shaheel Chummun and Miss Jurga Pikturnaite, leading facelift surgeons in the UK, talk through everything you need to know about facelift surgery.

  • “Mr. Chummun made this whole experience so much better than anticipated. He was very lovely, always accommodating, answering all my questions and concerns and doing so with a smile which definitely put me at ease. I am very very happy with the result and would absolutely recommend.”

    - Verified Patient Review

  • Click here to enquire about facelift in Bristol, Bath or Gloucestershire.

Woman's neck with necklift bristol

Neck lift

A neck lift is a surgical procedure that improves the appearance of the neck by tightening the underlying muscles and redraping the skin and subcutaneous tissues to achieve a harmoniously sculpted  neck and jawline:

    • It can redefine the jawline

    • It can enhance the contour of the neck

    • It can restore the natural angle of the neck, enhancing the overall facial harmony.

    In a traditional neck lift, incisions are made either behind the ears and under the chin or along the natural creases of the patient's neck. The underlying neck muscles are then tightened to improve the neck contour, excess skin is trimmed, and the remaining skin and fat is then re-draped for a rejuvenated appearance. Liposuction may be used to achieve a better contour.

    A neck lift can take 2- 4 hours and you may need to stay in the hospital overnight. The downtime from neck lift surgery is up to 2 weeks with gradual return to activities over 4-6 weeks. During recovery, it’s normal to experience swelling and bruising, or tightness in the neck which will gradually subside.The final results can be long lasting, but will depend on your unique ageing process as well as your lifestyle.

  • Click here to watch a video where Mr Shaheel Chummun and Miss Jurga Pikturnaite, leading neck lift surgeons in the UK, talk through everything you need to know about neck lift surgery.

  • “Dr. Chummun was everything you want in a surgeon. He was so understanding, calm and caring. Took time to answer every question properly. Was always calm and friendly, ensuring that every step of the way everything was done properly and to the best quality it can be. My surgery was of the best quality I could imagine and I’m so pleased with the results.”

    - Verified Patient Review

  • Click here to enquire about neck lift in Bristol, Bath or Gloucestershire.

Woman's face with lip lift bristol

Lip lift

A lip lift is an aesthetic surgical procedure that helps to achieve a fuller and shorter upper lip, resulting in a more youthful appearance:

    • It can create a fuller and more youthful upper lip

    • It can enhance the shape and contour, improving the aesthetics of your smile

    • It can shorten the lip height, achieving a more balanced and aesthetically pleasing lip to teeth and lip to nose ratio.

    The procedure is highly customisable, and changes can be made according to the desired shape and peak of the cupid's bow and the vermilion border. It can be done under local anaesthesia as a day case.

    An incision is made just below the base of the nose. A measured amount of skin is then carefully removed and the upper lip is pulled up, reducing the distance between the nose and the upper lip.

    The entire procedure usually takes up to 1 hour. Although the downtime is 1-2 weeks, the final result can be seen at 3-6 months and can last several years depending on your unique ageing process.

  • “I had my surgery with Dr Shaheel Chummun and all I can say he is just brilliant from start to finish! He made me feel so at ease and comfortable with everything he was going to do, and the best part is the results. I can’t thank him enough, I would highly recommend him to anyone looking for this type of procedure”

    - Verified Patient Review

  • Click here to enquire about a lip lift in Bristol, Bath or Gloucestershire.

Woman's face with post forehead lowering surgery bristol


A foreheadplasty (also known as hairline lowering surgery) reduces a high forehead, bringing the hairline down:

    • It can bring the hairline down to improve facial harmony and balance

    • It can address issues such as forehead wrinkles, sagging brows, and forehead furrows

    • It can contribute to a more youthful and attractive overall facial appearance

    Foreheadplasty is performed under general anaesthesia. Precise measurements are made and incisions are placed, along the hairline. The surgeon removes the excess skin and re-drapes the scalp tissues to reduce the size of the forehead.

    A foreheadplasty typically takes about 1 to 2 hours to complete. You may need to stay in the hospital overnight.. The downtime after a forehead plasty varies, but the majority of patients experience swelling and bruising, which subsides within 1 to 2 weeks. The final results can be seen within a few weeks and are generally long lasting.

  • “I felt instantly at ease and was very pleased with the way Mr Chummun described what would/could be done and what was realistically possible. I felt very prepared on the day of surgery and was treated very well both before and after I’d come round. I’m much happier with my appearance now. This was my first experience of plastic surgery and I found it to be very positive. The results are what I was expecting and I’m very pleased.”

    - Verified Patient Review

  • Click here to enquire about a foreheadplasty in Bristol, Bath or Gloucestershire.

Woman's face with eyelid surgery bristo


A blepharoplasty is a transformative surgical procedure that improves the aesthetics of the eyes by addressing excess skin and fat in the upper and lower eyelids creating a refreshed and more vibrant look:

    • It can reduce eyelid sagging and puffiness

    • It can improve the appearance of crow’s feet

    • It can improve the field of vision

    Correction of upper or lower eyelids can be performed using either local or general anaesthesia and involves precisely placed incisions along the natural creases of the eyelids. Fat and tissue are then repositioned or removed to create a rejuvenated appearance.

    A blepharoplasty takes around 45 minutes, and you can usually go home the same day. You can expect 2 weeks of downtime for this procedure, during which the swelling and mild bruising will start settling with appropriate rest (including consideration of the angle of your head when sleeping.)

    True results can be seen around 6 weeks after your operation. It is important to appreciate that the normal ageing process will continue and therefore further corrections in the future may be required to maintain the results.

  • Click here to watch a video where Mr Shaheel Chummun and Miss Jurga Pikturnaite, leading blepharoplasty surgeons in the UK, talk through everything you need to know about blepharoplasty surgery.

  • “Mr Shaheel Chummun was incredibly friendly and has a great bedside manner. Before the operation he clearly explained the process, what exactly he was going to do and what risks were involved. After the operation, he provided great support to make to the most of the recovery.

    He has done an incredible job and I am so grateful!!”

    - Verified Patient Review

  • Click here to enquire about a blepharoplasty in Bristol, Bath or Gloucestershire.

Woman post eyebrow lift bristol

Brow lift

A brow lift, also known as a forehead lift or forehead rejuvenation, is an aesthetic procedure intended to lift and tighten the muscles and skin in the forehead:

    • It lifts up drooping eyebrows and creates a noticeably elevated appearance

    It is important to note that a brow lift will not affect your eyelids, which is why it is common to combine a brow lift with blepharoplasty.

    Brow lift can be done either endoscopically or using a direct approach. Depending on the type of procedure, a brow lift can take 1-3 hours to perform with an expected downtime of 10 days to 2 weeks while bruising and swelling start settling. Results from a brow lift can be long lasting, however you should expect normal changes with age.

  • “Mr Chummun has always been very approachable and helpful in reassuring me about the upcoming procedures as well as ensuring I have follow up appointments and has always been contactable. I’ve always had full trust in Mr Chummun and would 100% recommend him.”

    - Verified Patient Review

  • Click here to enquire a brow lift in Bristol, Bath or Gloucestershire.

Ear post ear pinning bristol

Prominent ear correction

Prominent ear correction (also known as otoplasty or pinnaplasty) is an aesthetic surgical procedure aimed at reshaping the ears to align more smoothly with the individual’s facial features:

    • It can create symmetry and balance between the ears

    • It can enhance self-esteem

    • It can create a more aesthetic overall facial appearance

    A pinnaplasty involves an incision behind the ear, followed by the repositioning or removal of ear cartilage, and then pinning the ear back using suturing techniques.

    The recovery time for pinnaplasty is 1-2 weeks, and it will not normally require an overnight stay. To support correct healing, you may be required to wear a bandage around your head for 5-10 days, and a bandage at night to sleep for a few weeks afterwards. The final results are immediately visible and are long lasting.

  • “I have always been very self conscious about the way my ears looked. I found Mr Chummun through a local private hospital when I first began my search for a pinnaplasty surgery.

    He had a friendly and approachable manner, and always remained professional. During my surgery Mr Chummun always asked if I was comfortable and if I was experiencing any pain. He also updated me throughout the process of the surgery with what was going on.

    I have recently had my post-op bandage removed, and the difference in how my ears look is amazing! I can not thank him enough for what he has done for not only the appearance of my ears, but my confidence and mental health. I cannot recommend him enough!”

    - Verified Patient Review

  • Click here to enquire about pinnaplasty in Bristol, Bath or Gloucestershire.